“This thing we call samurai honour is ultimately nothing but a facade.”

“The world is full of evil but if we hold on to each other, it goes away”

“Hvis du koser for mye med barna dine, blir de narkomane”

“I don’t have time for movies, I’m too busy with life!”

"It was like a message from God: "Honesty doesn't pay, sucker."

"People change. A person may like pineapple today and something else tomorrow."

“I found the liberty you spoke of in solitude, but I also felt your absence.”

Harakiri Image 1 The Hunt Image theworstpersonintheworld closeup closeup closeup closeup ladyonfire


The Hunt

The Worst Person in the World

Portrait of a Lady on Fire


City of God


Chungking Express

My Letterboxd